Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Great Family Outing

One thing that I learned early on in ministry is even if you build a great church that impacts thousands of lives but lose your family, you have lost everything. These are words that I live by and strive to always put my family as the top priority in my life. We are constantly looking for new things to do together as a family and I wanted to pass along a great family outing.

There are nine mice hidden in downtown Greenville. Not real mice, but little mice statues located on Main Street. Yesterday with clues in hand we went in search of these nine mice. It was so much fun walking (or rolling in my case) down the street on a mission together as a family to find these mice. It allowed time for talking, exploring, and accomplishing this task as a family.

If you live in the Greenville area and want some more information, just contact me. If you are not in Greenville, then check out your town for some great family events. Families can do more than just watch television together. Find something that your family can share in and go for it!

By the way, I have more pictures with the mice posted on Facebook if you want to check them out.

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