Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday Prayer

Last week I made a decision to begin taking a day off from the computer, emails, and making phone calls. I had been convicted about this, but after 8 months with very little time to get away from church planing world - I am seeing the value in it. Therefore; I will begin posting prayer concerns on Thursday. Thank you for partnering with us through prayer.

  • God has given me a couple of great weeks with better walking. I want to praise God for this and also seek more of the same.
  • Another praise is that the transition to school has been fabulous for the girls and our whole family. Pray that it will keep going well as the homework begins to increase.
  • I have the opportunity to serve on the Government Relations Task Force with the MS Society. I will be working with SC Legislators to find a way to provide affordable health insurance for people in SC who cannot get covered due to a preexisting condition. Pray that God will give me wisdom and open the doors for some great relationships.
  • Pray that God will give me His eyes for those around me so that I can pray for them with a sincere heart. Pray for a few that I believe God is beginning to work on.
The Journey
  • We are having a cookout this Sunday night and inviting people we have met to come and meet others that are a part of The Journey.
  • On Sunday mornings we are having our Class 101 to let people know what it means to join The Journey. Pray for those that will be attending that God will guide them in their decisions.
  • Pray as we move from one home group to two beginning in September. Pray that God will continue to multiply us out into all of Greenville county.
Our Nation
  • Pray for Andy and Staci Wood and their son who moved to California to plant a church. Pray for them as the find a place to live and start building relationships in their community.
  • Pray for Capstone Church , a new church plant in Ft. Inn, SC. Pray as they begin to assemble a core group that God will direct their steps
  • Pray for our next President of the U.S. Remember, God is in control so seek Him and He will guide our nation.
  • Pray for Donnie Blake as he leads First Baptist Church in Eutawville. I love that church and I pray that they will be an impact in their community.
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Hope you have a wonderful long weekend!

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