Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How Do I Pray For Others

Continuing on with the thought of praying for others, if I just blog about it but never put action to my words then I am of "sounding brass and a clanging symbol" (basically full of crap). So let me just work through how to build a relationship with others that I do not know that well and then focus on them in prayer? By the way, glad you are reading -but this is me working this out, maybe it will help you as well.
  1. Look at the people that I come in contact with on a regular basis. Stop viewing the manager at the apartment complex or the server at Java Jolt as people that are there to get me what I want. I need to begin praying that God would open my eyes to see them as He sees them.
  2. Find out their names, write it down and begin praying daily for them. Begin to pray specifically that God would open doors to further the relationship. (To do this I must have a consistent prayer life!)
  3. As God opens that door I must be willing to spend a little extra time just talking, even if I am in a hurry. Again I must have God's view not mine to even see the opportunity! Take this information that I find out and begin to pray more specifically for the person.
  4. Begin to pray that God would move the conversation with the person to spiritual matters. I have a problem bridging this gap because I do not want to seem pushy. Therefore; I want for God to notify me and the other person when it is time to walk across this bridge.
I think that helps me out, thanks for letting me process. Believe it or not this has taken me a while to put a process together to move me from talking to action. Hopefully this will motivate you to put some action steps to your words. I find that the church is full of people who love to talk about it, but void of those who will actually step and do something. Today, seek to be different, we have enough church folk - we need leaders (people who act) to impact this world for Christ!!!!!!!

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