Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who Do I Pray For?

Yesterday I brought up the fact that I was directly blessed by God when I focused on others during prayer. It is easy to completely focus on my family in my prayers because we have a relationship. I love my wife and daughters with all of my heart and would give anything away for each one of them to have a blessed day. But do I pray for those outside of my family with the same intensity?

I am sad to say that I go through my prayer list of fellow believers so quickly that I am barely able to get their name out before moving to the next person on the list. This is a sign of a shallow relationship. Sure it is good that I pray, but can I be happy just saying "God you know what they need" about my brother or sister in Christ?

Even worse is the fact that I have very few nonbelievers that even make my prayer list. If I am so shallow in praying for my family in God, how much am I really praying for those who have yet to trust in the Father?

Jesus wept over Jerusalem for those who did not even trust in Him. He spent time with sinners and met their needs. He did not do this out of obligation, but out of a heart of love for others. In Ephesians 3:17 Paul says that as believers we are to be rooted in love. This love should be for anyone - family, other believers, and even nonbelievers. As we develop a heart of love, then we will long to build relationships. Then as we build relationships, our prayers will move from shallow half-hearted words to powerful prayers to our Father on the behalf of those we truly love.

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