Monday, August 25, 2008

What I Learned about Prayer

May I begin this post by confessing that my prayer life is not what is should be. I am haphazard in my prayer style, inconsistent in my prayer times, and many times powerless in my prayer life. But here is something I learned last week.

You all know our girls started school last week. As a result, my prayer life for them has been very consistent -almost a pray without ceasing deal. My attention has been on them, not myself during my prayers which usually consist of my healing, my gaining wisdom, my finding a system to increase my devotion life...

As I begin this week I look back and praise God for how He made the transition to school smooth for the girls. Here's the amazing thing, it was not only a good week for the girls but for our entire family. And as for me, well my health has been wonderful, my prayer life is much improved, and I have even had sparks of tremendous wisdom. These things were all a part of a wonderful week even though I did not pray for myself - my prayers were focused on others.

So here is what I learned about prayer: It is not all about me! I am not saying it is wrong to pray for myself, but when my focus in on others, God gives me the desire of my heart. It makes sense since Jesus was all about others. In His prayers He prayed for Himself, but the focus was always on others.

Today, begin praying for others - make that your focus. After all, Jesus said to seek first the kingdom of heaven and all the things you need for life will be given to you. So why focus on yourself when you have already been promised the answer?

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