Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Don't Understand...

There are times in our lives when we just do not understand why things happen; for example: the death of a newborn, an incurable disease, or even 9/11. But as a believer, we do not have to spend a lifetime searching for the answer because we always come back to the fact that God is sovereign. As a result of His Sovereignty our faith does not require us to have an explanation.

But it seems like I am encountering a new breed of Christian: those who are constantly searching and questioning God's direction for their lives. I believe this is the danger of the "post-modern" Christian. They are always looking for God to give them the right feeling to guide their next step. They do not want to commit because they are afraid of making mistakes. And since certain things (like the system of church) are flawed, their desire is to throw it all out and search for something new.

Paul says in Ephesians 1:18: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened: that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (read verses 15-23 to get a clear picture of what he is saying)

I don't think God's plan for us includes a lifetime of searching for Him or His will. So, we must seek God to give us understanding which leads us to hope. Note I said seek God, not His will or a feeling. As we seek God He leads, as He leads we follow.

Today if you are searching for an answer from God, don't focus on the question or the answer or even good advice - Focus on God. Read about God in the Bible, not about your problem! Pray for God to show you Himself, not an answer. As you focus on God, He will open your eyes of understanding and then you will find it - HOPE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike - just an additional thought - if we seek what God is doing around us in other people's lives, it becomes a road map to show us what His will is for our lives. God's will for my life is all around me, constantly, the neighbors, the woman at the grocery store, you and Mike and Chad and all the others He brings into my life, His will is not something we need to journey towards, it is within every step I take if I listen to His still small guiet voice speaking out in those around me. You know the Keith Green song of the seperation of the sheep and goat - where were you Lord, I didn't see you - thats right because He is everywhere and in everything always. Don't seek a destination, live the journey.....So how is it going my friend, let's e-mail as I have some things I can send you. RLM Dude