Monday, August 11, 2008

It's Good to be Home

It seems like we were gone forever and the last couple of days I longed to get back to my house. I am not saying that we were not having fun as a family and that I was not interested in the people we were meeting and visiting. But you know when you are just ready to get home. It seems like you sleep better, the shower works better, and you feel comfortable knowing where everything is.

That started me thinking this morning about what makes me feel comfortable in my life. If there is anything that the world offers that I long for more than the things of God, then I will find tremendous frustration in my life. As a believer my heart should long to spend time with God and do His will. Not just out of love for Him, but because this is where I am comfortable.

I wonder why so many "believers" think more about money, time, jobs, church work, etc. than the things of God? I am not saying these people are heathens, but when we grow up in Christ our desires will change! As I look at the institution of the church I am amazed how many infants in Christ are still sitting in the pews hollering "feed me, and if you don't I will whine and complain!"

Wow, how did we get there? Maybe we need to spend some more time here tomorrow. I am posting some pictures from our trip on my Facebook sometime today, so if you are interested check them out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is good to have you guys back... we missed you
sandra and bethhany