Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Disciple Mentality

I preached Sunday morning at Haristown Baptist in St. Stephens, SC. Can I tell you about this Kingdom minded church located in a small town in rural SC? Well, since this is my blog I am going to anyway. The people of Haristown have been sponsoring a church plant in Greenville, SC called The Journey (that's our church plant by the way).
  • Why? because they understand that the Kingdom of God is not all about their church.
  • How? They pray for us regularly, send a monthly check, sent us Vacation Bible School Money, and keep in touch with us
  • How big is the church? They run 80 people on Sunday morning
  • How did you connect with them? I have preached for them, but I never asked them to sponsor us, they just decided to do it
I tell you about this church because they exemplify the mentality of a disciple: a disciple builds the kingdom of God by investing into others. A disciple looks out for others rather than focuses on their own needs. A disciple looks at life from God's view rather than their own.

Maybe we have so many infants on the church pews because their church does not have a disciple's mentality. When a church focuses on how many people they have, how good their buildings are, and how much money they take in; I think they area as far away from a disciple as one can possibly be.

Thank God for churches large and small that put their focus on the Kingdom of God by investing their lives into others. May The Journey follow this example that has been put before us.

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