Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Start with your family

Yesterday I found myself stapling event flyers to 348 apartment newsletters. Right beside me was my daughter Michaela working as fast as she could. We worked for an hour and a half watching the stack of flyers get smaller and wishing they would disappear sooner. We talked to pass the time, in fact, my daughter commented on how the task was more bearable when we talked. That's when it hit me:

I'm not supposed to just take my daughter to church, but to be the church to her. My family is my first relationship in my life. In my eagerness to win the world by building relationships with others but loose my family, well what good is that?

Deuteronomy 11:19-21 teaches that it is my responsibility to be the church to my children. Too many times the pressures of a church plant capture my attention when my children are in need of my time. I know there needs to be a balance in my life, but if I ere on my balance of time then wouldn't I want to ere on the side of my children? The question is do I?

So what about you? Does your family know that they are your priority? Spend some time thinking today about where your family fits into your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do it well sir, your daughters are the most precious gifts you have been given, besides your wife and the love and grace of God. I wish I had done the same sooner, but it is never too late, just a bit of a tougher climb.