Monday, July 28, 2008

Being the Church

I am just getting in from a Breakfast-on-the-Go at The Paddock Club. I want to thank Dan Carroll, Josh, and Jake for sponsoring this event. For those who do not know, a Breakfast-on-the-Go is where I stand at the front gate and give people a breakfast in a bag. The purpose is to offer someone a free gift in order to let them know someone is thinking of them.

I am always amazed at the responses. Some people speed past me looking the other way so they will not have to make eye contact. Some slow down to check out what is going on, but then hit the gas when I start towards their car. Some will roll down the window half way and ask what I am doing and how much it cost. Then there are those that will stop, chat a little, and wish me a great day.

So which response would you prefer? Personally, I love it when people stop and chat - you know building relationships! But who am I there to serve? Every person who comes through the gate regardless of their response.

To be the church to the world means that we put aside their response. We are the church because we are disciples of Jesus and we serve all out of our love for Him. If we are not careful, we will choose to be the church to those who act the way we think they should. Then you know where that will lead! A club mentality of the church.

Today, who will you serve? Don't worry about their response, just do it because you understand that this is the heartbeat of God - offering something to others even if they think they do not need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK Mike, now tell me - yes this is homework - when you think of the people who go through the gate at the paddock, which level are they, SCM or D? How can you very simply be the church to each of those?