Monday, July 14, 2008

Prayer Request

I will be leaving to go to Idaho for a few days to spend some time at Real Life Ministries. Real Life is the amazing story of a church totally based on relationships. God is doing such amazing things that we (Allen Davis) and I are heading out there to see what is going on.

While I am out would you be praying for several things:

  • Please pray for Nicole. She was a part of the mission team that worked with The Journey last week. She is actually in the picture of my last post. She is the one holding Michaela, our daughter. I found out last night that her dad died suddenly Sunday morning. They did not know exactly why, but it was very unexpected. Pray for her and her family as they go through this valley.
  • Pray for The Journey as we continue to move forward. We have been meeting at Medowsprings Church on Woodruff Road this month and will be there for two more weeks. Pray that God would give us wisdom on how to continue developing the core group in August.
  • Pray for me as I go to Idaho this week. It is a really quick trip and I will not get much rest. I am aware that this is awful for my health, but it is important. Pray that God will keep me going.
  • Pray for Allen Davis, the Connections Pastor at The Journey that he will see exactly how God is leading us to set up our home groups. At The Journey home groups are not a program, they are the foundation of what we do.
  • Pray for Jonathan Whitten, the worship leader at The Journey. It is a difficult job leading music because everyone feels like they know what needs to be done. Pray that he will follow God's leadership.

Thank you for praying for us and I will post on what we learned in Idaho when we get back. So I guess I will be back on line Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have been praying for you, Allen, and Jonathan daily that God will direct your paths and give you strength and wisdom.