Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm Back

It seems like forever since I have posted, but here I am once again. Last week was an incredible week as I spent it with the Sr. High group from Forestville Baptist Church at youth camp. What made it so amazing is that we spent a week discipling young people in a small group format. It was a refreshing change from the typical "hype youth up on Jesus" and send them home without a way of applying what they learned to real life situations.

I want to thank Brian Deyton (youth minister of Forestville) for allowing me to spend time with his youth. Also I could not have done it without Mike Mohler and Chad Hall (pastor and worship leader of Trinity Point in Easley). These are some incredible guys and it was a joy to work with them.

This past week at camp we encouraged the youth to dig deep in the application of the Word of God. Transformation to our lives will not come in Sunday School answers, but only when we stop, listen to God, set goals for our lives, and commit to hold one another accountable to these goals. I wonder how many adults are willing to dig deep? Based on the state of the church, not too many.

As I continue to practice what I preach and dig deep in the application of the Word of God, I encourage you to get out of the shallow waters. We will be taking a look at how this week.

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