Friday, June 13, 2008

Another Week Down

Where does time go? It seems that this week just started and here it is already Friday. Today our family is celebrating Father's Day since I will be away at a camp on Sunday. Got some lunch planned, time at the pool, and of course - Father's Day gifts. What a great Day!

Just want to update you on The Journey. We are heading into the summer full steam ahead. It has been such an interesting ride so far as God has truly been leading us. For the first time in my life I do not have control, and I am just moving forward with the vision as God lays it out there for us.

Specifically with The Journey:

  • we are sponsoring a pool party at my apartments. It think it will be a great way to serve and continue building relationships with my neighbors.

  • We also have some opportunities to begin doing some worship services on Sunday morning. I know we have one scheduled for June 29 - will get more details to you about that.

  • For the first month we had money left in the budget at the end of the month. Don't know how that happened, but thank you God. (Don't stop giving financial support though, it was not a ton of money)

  • God is moving us forward into the next phase of the church. As we begin to worship, continue to cast vision, and develop small groups I believe we will see this summer as a tremendous experience for us

Like I said earlier I will be leading a youth camp beginning on Sunday. I know I will not have Internet access so I will not be able to post. I think you will be able to go on with life without my words for a week, but I will be back the next week.

Until then, are you in preparation to worship corporately?

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