Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Journey is Meeting

Talking about getting out into the deep, The Journey has been moving away from the shore line! For five months we have been meeting and planning while growing together. For the past couple of weeks we have been sensing God moving us into the next phase of the church plant. We decided to start meeting together for worship once a month. While planning for these services we tried to find a location to meet - unsuccessfully I might add. Well, I did find one place, but they wanted $11,000 a month - out of our price range by about $10,900.

Anyway, this past week God provided in an amazing way. Not only are we going to meet this week, but we are going to be able to meet the whole month of July sharing the vision and purpose of The Journey. We will be meeting at MedowSprings Church which is located on Woodruff Road (past Five Forks into Simpsonville). And get this, they are letting us meet there through July for free!! That is definitely in our price range. We will be meeting at 10:30 and if you need directions just send me an email. Our hope is that this will be an opportunity for people to check out The Journey to see what we are all about.

Just like in fishing: when you move out into deeper waters, you can find larger fish. When we move out into deeper waters with God, there are bigger blessings. Where are you today with God? On the bank, in the shallow waters, or moving out deep?

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