Thursday, May 8, 2008

Staying the Course

Over the last two days we have discussed the idea that although relationships are messy, we must be actively building them with those around us. So how do we remain pure before the Lord when we are investing into messy people?

I believe it imperative for us to stay as close to Jesus as possible. Now this is an easy church answer, that sounds so simple. But just take a look at our devotional lives, would it show our desire to stay close to the Lord?

Since I know that I will be in the world (but not of it), I have decided to put boundaries around me. Rather than just talking, I am putting action to my words. I have decided to take one relationship to the deepest level - accountability. I have recently asked an individual to ask me seven questions on a regular basis. I gave him these seven questions that deal with every aspect of my life. He has already asked them to me once, and what a humbling experience to answer them and not be perfect before another. But I know it is what I must do to remain holy in an unholy world.

Please pray for a great friend of our in Eutawville today. His name is Shock and he has been battling cancer. It looks like the cancer has spread rapidly and he is in the hospital. Just pray for God to be real to all who are involved. And for our family as we head that way in the next day or two.

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