Wednesday, May 7, 2008

You Want Me to do What?

I am sitting in Java Jolt this morning after an early meeting just observing a building full of people. As I watch them I listen to a group of ladies sharing stories about life with one another. At another table a couple sits and shares a morning cup of coffee together. The workers behind the counter swap stories about the business of the morning. Still there is another man playing the Wii. And look, here comes another couple of ladies in the door now.

You know, I have asked this question of God many times since moving to Greenville, "You want me to do What? Build relationships with people? But who and how?" I am not saying that I am an expert in building relationships, but I have learned a few things. The first is that there are always people around us to build relationships with. The question is do we see them?

We get so busy with projects and events of the day that we fail to see the people that God is putting in our paths. We must begin the day asking God to open our eyes to those around us. Once we do this, you will be amazed how many opportunities God has already provided to begin building relationships with those around you - we just need our eyes opened to see them.

Will you pray for God to open your eyes today? Will you continue this prayer daily? If you do not, then don't say you are interested in showing Jesus to people because you are not if you are not willing to see them first.

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