Friday, May 9, 2008

Not All Relationships Are Equal

As we finish up the week on relationships, let me share a thought with you that has been knocking around in my head. I am becoming aware that there are different levels of relationships. For my use, there are three levels:

The Developing level. I believe these consist of individuals that we have just met and are trying to get to know. Conversation is on a surface level as we just get to know one another.

The Discipleship level. At this level common interest are shared. One of the common interest is Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. This is where the two begin to explore and apply biblical principles together.

The Intimate level. This is when the relationship develops to a level of trust that we can hold each other accountable as we continue to disciple one another.

I know that is a quick definition of each level, I think I need to develop them more. But here is the meat of the issue. If we identify what level each of our relationships are on, then we will not expect someone to act like a disciple when they are in the developing level. I have found that when I do not assess my relationship correctly, I become frustrated and sometimes hurt when the other person does not act according to my mental movie.

This is something I definitely want to develop next week. Right now we are heading out for Eutawville. Our friend Shock I asked you to pray for has been given a diagnosis of weeks or even days of life. I know the doctors are not God, but I also know what the end looks like.

I will be preaching again at Lake Murray Baptist, SC and we will celebrate Marissa's birthday on Saturday and Mother's Day on Sunday. Looks like another busy weekend.

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