Monday, May 19, 2008

Leadership Conference

Well I find myself out of town once again attending a leadership conference. I thought I was a pretty good leader, and maybe I am - but I am discovering that there is a difference between a good leader and an effective leader.

One thing that I heard today is that the majority of people in churches are satisfied. They have decided (intentional or unintentional) that growth is not a priority to them. I sure don't want to be like this, I truly have a desire to grow in my relationship with Christ, my family, The Journey, etc. But to grow, I must take an honest look at where I am now.

Being honest with myself is not necessarily easy because I have to admit that I am not perfect. I know some of you reading this already know this, and I do to - I just don't want to admit it! But the hope and joy in Christ is knowing that I do not have to stay here, I can grow!

What about you? Are you growing in your relationship with Christ, your family, others? If not, then you know where to start. Ask God to give you the courage to take and honest look at yourself and then go from there.

Don't think I will be posting tomorrow, but I will catch you up on the rest of the conference on Wed.

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