Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What freedom looks like

OK, last night I attended a Def Leppard concert. "Why?" you might ask. Well, because I never had before so I thought why not. It was kind of funny seeing guys who probably used to have a mullet now wishing they just had hair. There were also plenty of women there who seemed to be wearing there high school Def Leppard t-shirts they had not put on in 20 years. Did not know cotton could stretch to much.

I believe there is something to be learned in every situation. I believe I learned what freedom looks like. I saw a coliseum full of people standing, cheering, dancing, and singing to the top of their voices. They did not care about who was looking at them or even what time it had gotten to be. Now I understand that most of their freedom was alcohol induced, but doesn't the Bible even address that?

In Ephesians 5:18 Paul tells the church to be filled with the Spirit rather than being drunk with wine. So obviously we should be experiencing a freedom in our lives apart from alcohol. If we are truly free then why do our church services seem so dull? Why do you have to force people to sing and make sure they get out on time? By the way, I have never heard a congregation applaud for an encore from the preacher.

Yes, I know the world is producing a manufactured freedom. But what is our excuse? Maybe we become so judgemental of the world because we know we have been set free, but refuse to live in that freedom. Makes me wonder if I had to choose between a concert and attending most of the churches out there, which one would I choose?

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