Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Time Out

I have to take a time out from the ongoing theme of the week to share a little story with you. Friday night our oldest daughter had to go to the hospital with a whopper of an ear ache. We find out she has a serious ear infection and the doctor gave her some medication. She is much better today. Anyway, with Michaela being sick I declared Saturday to be a sick day and I laid in bed with her all day watching movies. Saturday rolled into Sunday and there we sat together watching movies, playing UNO, talking, laughing, and discussing which movie to watch next. I hate she was in pain, but what a fabulous time to spend with my daughter.

Yesterday our youngest daughter wakes up with the head cold crude. Guess what? She declared a sick day with daddy. So once again I sat in the bed watching movies, Dora the Explorer, playing with Play Dough, talking, and laughing. Again, hate it for Marissa but loved it for me.

For almost three days I did no work. Only took necessary phone calls. Canceled things I was to do on Monday. In the world's eyes it was a waisted three days. In the eyes of my daughters, well, where else should I have been. Reminds me of a commercial:

Hospital visit - $300, Medication - $200, Time with my daughters - PRICELESS

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