Thursday, April 10, 2008

Medicine Head

So what happens when you take NyQuil so you can stop sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, headache, and achy body? You wake up the next day wondering what you did the previous day. That is where I am at this morning. I have that medicine head thing going on today where things just seem kind of fuzzy. I am sure you wanted to hear all about my problems, but there you go!

The consequences of taking NyQuil really don't bother me because it did get rid of all of my cold symptoms, so I will gladly live with a medicine head. Had it not worked, I would be ticked off and looking for another medication. I wonder if that is how people treat God, they try Him out to fix the consequences of their lives and when they do not find a quick fix, they look for something else.

I think that is why we must move from being followers of Christ to disciples of Him. The disciple process begins with following Jesus, but moves into being a disciple. We have too many people following the latest fad, event, and even Jesus. But where are the disciples who have committed to not only follow, but learn and obey, and even be corrected the bymaster?

Hope this makes sense to you, still a little fuzzy in the head. At some point I would like to comment more on following vs. discipleship.

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