Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Guess What I Got?

I spent two days in a conference with the guys from Real Life Ministries, a church in Idaho. God is doing amazing things with them, but is was not the stories that encouraged me - it was how they do church. Everything they do focuses on training disciples to make disciples. I am usually sceptical at conferences, but this one was different.

Maybe it was different because for two years God has been changing my desires from just gathering people to developing disciples to go and make other disciples. I have struggled in my attempts and grown discouraged because while I had the heart, I could not figure out how to do it. For two days I sat and put flesh on the skeleton of my vision. I felt encouraged seeing that there was someone else who shared my passion.

Now the work begins. I cannot copy what they do, but take the principles and apply them in the context of my community. Needless to say, today I am pumped!

Hey guess what I got? Remember when I told you that I stayed in bed with my sick girls last week. Well, I am the one now in bed sick. If only we could spread the gospel like we spread a cold. Anyway, looks like a bed day for me. I think the girls want to return the favor and stay in bed with me and watch movies rather than school, but don't think it will happen - maybe this afternoon,

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