Friday, April 11, 2008

A Day of Thankfulness

This Friday I want to start my weekend by thanking God for the things He is doing in our families life.
  1. I thank God for continuing to bring people into our paths that we can build relationships with to show the love of God
  2. I thank God for sending an unexpected check this week to provide for our family
  3. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be the Resident Assistant at a second property allowing me access to a total of 551 apartments
  4. I thank God for allowing me to be sick before I begin revival services next week
  5. I thank God that He uses people regardless of their past, medical conditions, etc.

Our God is so good and we need to stop time to thank Him. Sometimes we get so focused on learning from Him that we forget to pause and reflect on the teachings of life He has already given. Life is not about the destination, it is about the journey. Don't be so consumed with getting there you forget to stop and enjoy the ride.

I am preaching at Trinity Point Church in Easley, SC this Sunday morning. I would like to invite you to come and worship with us if you are in the area. I will also begin a revival at Harristown Baptist Church in St. Stephens, SC Sunday evening through Wed. I don't if I will be able to post during then, if not, I will be back when I can.

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