Thursday, April 17, 2008

Good to be home

I enjoy traveling and having the opportunity to preach revivals, but it sure is good to get home. Although today (Thursday) I had so much to do I kind of wished I was back hanging out in a hotel. The sad news is that I leave again on Monday for a church planting conference in Orlando, so no need to put up the suitcase.

Revival this week was a ton of fun. Harristown Road Baptist Church is a full of absolutely wonderful people. This was my third time going there and every time I leave feeling renewed knowing I have been with people who truly care about me and my family. I believe this will just be a special place in my life. Hopefully I can get back there before too long.

Sunday morning The Journey is meeting together for the first time to have a Bible study together. I am excited because several of the people we have been building relationships are supposed to be there. The Journey continues!

By the way, Deadliest Catch was all I thought it would be. Not only did they have one new episode, but they showed two back to back. Also being able to watch it on the hotels HD television - priceless. God is good!

I have a full weekend planned with family fun before I leave again on Monday. Don't know when I will be able to post again, so until then - Deadliest Catch Tuesday 9pm on the Discovery Channel, I'll be there!

1 comment:

Debbie Vance said...

Where is your Sunday meeting and what time? Is this open to anyone?

We've been keeping track of your progress and are looking forward to seeing what God is doing.