Sunday, April 20, 2008

Off to Orlando

I am sitting here Sunday night after an incredible day. This morning we had our first Bible Study/ Worship for The Journey. Several people had told me they could not be there for one reason or another. Consequently I was praying for twelve people to show up. God is so amazing - we had 22 in attendance. It was such an amazing morning as I met new friends and got reacquainted with some from the past. It was just an absolutely wonderful time of worship and relationship building. I look forward to our next meeting.

I leave in the morning for a church planting conference in Orlando. I am looking forward to it, but after being gone last week it is hard to leave my family for another week. But after this, looks like things may slow down a little - at least that is my mental movie.

I am also excited about some opportunities coming up to preach. I will be at First Baptist Fountain Inn, SC this Sunday April 27. I will also be preaching on May 4 and 11 at Lake Murray Baptist outside of Columbia, SC. I thank God for the opportunities to spread his story.

Don't know when I will be able to blog again, until then.

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