Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Exponential Conference

Ok, so I am in Orlando attending a church planting conference. In fact, I am sitting in a session right now. I kind of feel like I am in college again hoping the professor does not catch me not paying attention to his seminar. Anyway, just thought I would shoot off a quick blog about what I am learning so far.

I just heard Andy Stanley do an amazing job of communicating the importance of a clear vision for a church. I can also take the things he said and apply it to my life. Here are questions he posed that I am making personal: What am I doing? What do I hope to accomplish? If I were not hear, would people notice? Questions that I would like to take time to process personally and then for The Journey.

Well, the speaker keeps looking at me, so think I'll quit before I get busted. Hope to continue processing some more tomorrow, but during free time - maybe.

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