Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thoughts for the Day

So I am still in Orlando at the Exponential Church Planting Conference and a theme has emerged to me. This afternoon I heard John Burke from Gateway Church in Austin, Texas and Darrin Patrick from the Journey in St. Louis (love the name of the church).

Anyway, both of these guys hit the idea that the mission of planting the church must not be my focus, my focus must be Jesus. Check this statement out: focus on the Lord of the work rather than the work for the Lord. Now that is something to think about!

How many times do I focus on the work rather than the development of my relationship with God. I have to say if I get nothing else, this is for me. Talk about conviction, I am asking God to forgive me for letting my focus shift off of Him. Another example of a good thing taking my focus away from the best thing.

Just a question for you: where is your focus. It is on doing or being? Is it on what Jesus wants you to do, or who Jesus wants you to be? Is it on the work, or on the Lord? Questions we must all deal with to become disciples that make disciples.

Looking forward to getting home and staying there for a little while. Anyway, got another session to attend.

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