Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Focusing is Hard Work!

Don't focus on the work of the Lord, but on the Lord of the work.

So yesterday I started dissecting the above statement by taking a look at focus. Since then I have been trying my best to focus on the Lord. It is such hard work just to focus, much less focus on the Lord.

Take this morning for example, I left the house early for a meeting in Pendleton, SC determined to take time to focus on the Lord. When I get in the car the radio is on which takes my focus, then my navigational system (I call her Lola) keeps speaking to me telling me where to turn, then there is that voice in my head that keeps telling me all the things I need to do and people I need to call. I had great desire to focus, but little follow through.

So I am thinking, I must find a time, place, etc. to intentionally focus on the Lord. Have you encountered this problem? Post a comment and give me some ideas on what you do to enhance your focus on the Lord.

In other news, signed up for facebook last night. Don't really understand it, but thought I would give it a try. If you are familiar with facebook, look me up.

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