Monday, April 28, 2008


The phrase that I heard at the conference that keeps ringing in my head is, "Don't focus on your work for the Lord, focus on the Lord of the work." As I chew this over I want to communicate my thoughts to you this week.

The first word that strikes me is "focus". Sometimes it is hard for me just to focus on the work, let alone the Lord. I have an ADD personality and is easily distracted from what I know I should be doing. When it comes to my relationship with the Lord, I need to be focused. But focused on what? Focused on the Lord, not on how I am to grow with him, not on how He is blessing me, not on any work but on the Lord.

That seems to be difficult for me because my mental movie always has an end goal. What if I were to start spending time with the Lord just because I wanted to? What if I were to read His words just to get to know Him? I bet I would be changed.

A verse that keeps popping in my head while I am writing this is, "Be still, and know that I am God..." Ps 46:10. Maybe the key to focus is to be still. As I look at my schedule for the week, don't see any time to be still... maybe I found my problem - If I am to focus, I must be still. To be still must be an intentional decision! Wow! think I found some more stuff to chew on.

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