Thursday, March 13, 2008

Update on the Thompson family

Just thought I would take some time and update everyone on our lives in Greenville. We are adjusting to life in an apartment. It is interesting all the new noises we hear from those living around us. The girls are doing great sharing a room, although cleanliness is not their strong point. I have enjoyed being the RA of the community and have built some great relationships.

The Journey is developing quickly. We are now meeting on Sunday evenings and going through PLACE together. It is amazing to see how many people are interested in finding out what purpose God may have for them.

On the financial front, God has been so amazing. It has been almost three months and we have not missed a meal. It is amazing to see the way people have come along side of our family and support us. Some give once, others monthly - but it is a truly humbling experience.

God has been so good. I cannot believe that He is allowing us to be on this journey with Him. I am truly anticipating the next step.

1 comment:

Steve Conley said...

Mike, as a fellow church planter, I love to hear the updates on The Journey. Know that I am praying for you, your famil and staff.

Pastor Steve Conley
New Hope Fellowship
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
(and friend to Allen Davis)