Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Am I Surrendered?

As I finished by blog yesterday, I ended by bringing the correlation between loving God enough to do anything for my children and the churches love for God. In the many churches I've had the opportunity to preach, I have to say that a number of them....well, may I do I say this politely? Well, let me just say that there love of God is just not evident in the service. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think so.

If we truly love God, then why does it seem like a burden for some to be in church. Now I am not saying they don't love God, but maybe their level of love is not quite there yet. But before I harp on other people, I must take a look at myself. Do I love God? Not, am I grateful not to be going to hell, but do I love God to the point that I find pleasure in doing things that will simply make Him happy? Do I love God so much that I do for Him, not expecting anything in return? Wow! How can I cast my finger at others when my love seems to wain so low at times.

Oswald Chambers talks about surrender this morning. I believe that love and surrender go hand in hand. Go to and check it out today. It will be well worth your time.

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