Monday, March 10, 2008

The American Girl Store Adventure

I sure am feeling much better now. If I had that stomach virus thing, let me tell you - it was awful. I actually prayed for God to kill me early Saturday morning. If you have not had it yet, avoid it at all cost. If you have walked through this valley, then you know what I am saying. Oh by the way, if I came in contact with you and you now feel sick - sorry. Good luck with it!
Let me tell you about an American Girl Store adventure I had on Friday. I thought I had seen it all until I visited the American Girl store and ate at the Bistro. Yes, bistro (whatever that means). As you can see from the pictures, it is a place that is prepared for your dolls to eat with you. You might be wondering if I had to pay for them to eat too. Well, if you knew what I paid for our family to eat - let me just say, that just might be the reason why I got so sick later that night.

You know the odd thing is that I did not mind paying the money because it was an experience for my daughters. The funny thing is that if I can possibly do it, I will pay anything to allow my daughters to experience new things and bring joy in their lives. So my experience at the American Girl Store was all that I anticipated because it was not for or about me - it was for my family.

Can you see the correlation to church here? If you can't, come back tomorrow and we will begin unraveling it.

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