Monday, March 17, 2008

Lessons from Breakfast-on-the-Go

This morning I had my second Breakfast-on-the-Go event at The Paddock Club apartments where we live. Breakfast-on-the-Go is a free breakfast bag that I give out to the residents of the apartments as they leave for work. I just wanted to share a couple of things I learned this morning.

1. A little communication goes a long way. Last month was the first Breakfast-on-the-Go event and many people just drove by and stared at me like an evil man as I tried to hand them a bag. So following the event I put an article in the apartment's newsletter to inform people what Breakfast-on-the-Go was all about. This morning many commented on the newsletter as they stopped and cheerfully received their breakfast. It is a good point to remember to communicate clearly before the next event.

2. Many people are followers. As a group of cars would come to the gate, if the lead car would stop the car following would always stop as well. But if the lead car drove past, the majority of the time the following car would drive on as well. Interesting point, and maybe it was a coincident; but today don't follow others or you might miss out on a special treat.

3. People are generally friendly. Too many times we give people a bad rap for being rude. Even those who did not stop this morning did wave and smile. Maybe we need to be more friendly to others rather than waiting on them.

I would like to thank Trinity Point in Easley, SC for providing the breakfast bags this morning - Especially to Chad Hall who headed this up for me. Thanks for investing into the lives of people you may never meet.

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