Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Take A Look Around

I had the opportunity of volunteering with the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society this weekend. We were to go and help clean yards of people who had MS and could not do it themselves. Seeing as I am not able to do yard work myself, I volunteered to visit with the person inside as others did the work outside. Sometimes having MS does have it's advantages.

I had the privilege of meeting Angelo who has lived with MS for 20 years now. I did not know if Angelo would be bitter, depressed, or what so I was prepared to encourage him. Two hours later I realized that I was there to be encouraged by Angelo. Despite Angelo being in a wheelchair and having multiple surgeries, he was committed to the fact that God has a plan for his life.

Isn't that the way it works out? I go to encourage and God has something totally different in store for me. I believe too many times we miss these God given opportunities because we do not take time to look around and outside of our own lives.

Someone asked me to pray for them recently that God would give them opportunities to build relationships with others. I told them to quit praying that prayer and ask God to open their eyes to the opportunities that are already there. Take time today to notice those around you. Who knows? It just may be an opportunity for a blessing to happen.

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