Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Busy Day

Have you ever had one of those days that did not seem to come to an end? That was my day yesterday. Left the house way before sun up to have a life coaching session in Pendleton. Next I was in Easley for a meeting about a camp I am doing this summer and to get some work done on the newsletter for The Paddock Club. I ended the evening at Liquid Highway having a staff meeting for The Journey. I arrived back home way after sun down.

Somewhere during my day I wondered what my days would look like after The Journey starts weekly services. Would I be drawn back into the trap of spending my days consumed with maintaining church members? Can I continue to fill my days and evenings meeting with people who desire discipleship and others who do not even know God?

To be honest with you if I have to go back to the maintaining mode, I would rather quit! For the first time in my life I actually am building relationships with those outside of the family of God. I am anticipating the day when these turn their heart towards God and begin a journey with Him. That is what keeps me going now days.

What about you? You don't have to be a pastor to spend your life maintaining others. How many lost people are you intentionally building relationships with? How can you be faithful to the Great Commission of going and teaching when you spend all your time in maintenance mode? I believe it is time for believers to get out of their comfort zones and start making a difference. I don't know about you, but I want to get out there. Should would be nice to know that others were out there as well.

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