Monday, March 3, 2008

This Weekend

Saturday was a big day. I bought a Wii. If you have not played one yet, you need to try it. I played one a couple of weeks ago and not being a big game player was not expecting much. To my amazement, it was pretty cool. So I decided to buy one. Easier said than done, I guess everyone wants one so they are very difficult to find. But Saturday the sky opened up and shined on our new Wii. Come over sometime and we can Wii togther. Sounds a little freaky, but it is fun.

I also preached at FBC Powdersville and had a great time. There pastor Brad had a brain tumor removed and developed an infection. Would you please pray for Brad and Haley (his wife) and family as they continue to trust God for healing and all the things that go with a major surgery (like finances, change of life, etc.)

Gotta go for now, my Wii is calling me.


SuperGeek said...

The Wii is great. A family system that all can play together. Wait until one of your girls beats you at bowling. LOL. Bekah still talks about it. Send me your Wii ID sometime so our Mii's can mingle.

Anonymous said...

You and your family will enjoy it! We try to have a family bowling night every few weeks.