Friday, February 29, 2008

What Makes You Happy?

My wife shared with me some things that make her happy. Now obviously, I am on the top of the list. As she talked about it some more, she shared things that do not necessarily cost anything but brighten her day. One of her examples was putting on socks that just came out of the dryer. Not a huge event, but something to put a smile on her face.

I have been thinking about what makes me happy and here are a few (not listed in order of priority, just as they come to my mind)

1. When my girls run to the door to give me a kiss whenever I am leaving

2. When I find the right key immediately to unlock my door

3. When I get all green lights on Woodruff Road

4. When a friend calls, not because they need anything, but just to say hello

Obviously not exciting things, but things that bring a smile to my face. What about you, what makes you happy?

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