Thursday, February 28, 2008

Offense or Defense?

I am preparing a sermon to preach this Sunday at FBC Powdersville, SC entitled Are you on Offense or Defense. What got me thinking about this is that most of the Christians I know are on defense, in other words they wait for life to happen and then react to it. Now this may seem like good way to live, but in actually it is horrible. If you are always on defense, then you are always waiting on someone else to make the first move before you even figure out what to do. The way this works in our spiritual lives is that once the devil plays his card, then we try to play back. This is an awful, unfulfilled spiritual life!

If we look at the life of Jesus, he was always on offense. In other words, he made the first move. He chose who to heal and when, he knew he could teach late because a miracle would feed the people, he always answered the Pharasee's question with an offensive question, He told the disciples which one would betray and which one would deny Him before they did it, and He went to the cross to go ahead and provide salvation for the world. Jesus knew what to do and when to do it.

I don't know about you, but I am tired of living on defense. I am ready to get out there, follow the coaches voice and kick some devil bum (we don't say butt in our house). I am tired of falling into his traps, I am tired of seeing others sucked in and I want to do something about it. What about you? Tired of playing defense because it seems safe? Let's start asking God to turn our lives into offensive players. I believe the Bible when it says that the gates of hell will not prevail! A defensive player will never see the gates of hell because they are not moving on attack. I am ready to see and attack the gates and live a live that is full of abundance and hope because I am on offense!

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