Monday, February 4, 2008

The Underdog Wins

Probably every blog in America is dealing with the New York Giants defeat of the New England Patriots last night in the Super Bowl. Personally, I had little interest in the game because neither were my favorite teams. But I watched the game anyway hoping the Giants would knock off the Patriots.

I have to admit, that was probably one of the best games I have ever watched. It was amazing seeing the underdog (according to the media) man handle Goliath! As I watched the post game interviews I noticed that the Giants did not even recognize that they were supposed to lose. Every team member said that they knew they could win and were glad to have the opportunity to proove it.

Now I do not want to over spiritualize here, but doesn't that apply to life. Storms come, our friends offer advice, and our thoughts take us to the place that we feel like we will not make it. We act like we have lost at life and do not even want to take the field. We must realize that we are not underdogs in life, we are victors. In fact, God even told us that we are more than conquerers. I believe we need to start living it. How? Let's cover that over the next few days.

At The Journey we had our first informational meeting last night. It went great and I am looking forward to the coming weeks. There is definitely a movement of God in the area. People are telling me that they are feeling the same way that we are headed. It is so much easier to be involved in the movement of God rather than trying to move others where I want them to go. Wished I would have learned this many years ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey pastor mike. sounds like you are doing well. i am glad you are. we are doing great. have a new job that pays much more. will write to you later. Dios le bendiga.
