Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Confidence in God's Plan

Yesterday I asked the question how we lived life victorious rather than like the underdog. First, I believe that we must have confidence in God's plan for our lives. This is a church answer, but sometimes the church answers are not wrong - it is just that they lose power because we do not believe it. Ask yourself some questions, "Who created you?" "Who offers you salvation?" "What did it cost God to provide you with freedom?" "Who has the right to run your life?"

As you moved through those questions did you get the idea that God created you, redeemed you, and knows what is best for you? If that is the case then why do we have such a hard time trusting in His plan for our lives? I mean we are fine as long as things are good, but let something unexpected happen and the world falls apart. That is not confidence, that is a lack of trust.

If you do not have confidence in God, then no matter where you turn you will have trust issues. Everyone at some point will let you down (even the politicians). If you lack confidence in God be honest with yourself and ask God to give you confidence then begin to study the character of God as found in the Scripture and look at situations from God's perspective rather than your own.

This is not a quick fix, it takes time to trust God completely - but what else are you going to do? If I can help you along this path, please email me and let me walk with you down this road.

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