Friday, February 1, 2008

It's Not My Fault

I discussed yesterday the importance of growing in life. Often times we dream, but let something stand in the way of our dreams - finances, time, etc. Now I could go all spiritual here, but let's not jump there yet. When we let something stop us from dreaming, we are giving up on hope. Life without hope seems futile. Why are so many people just going through the motion of parenting, marriage, work? They have stopped dreaming and as a result, they have stopped believing in the best possible life.

I know there are a million reasons why people stop dreaming, but one that we do not think of is the fact that we blame someone else for the obstacles in life. I watched the last Republican and Democratic debate this week. All I heard of the Republicans is the democrates are opposing everything we try to do, and the Democrates want to blame the Bush administration for every problem in the world. We live in a society that always blames someone else for the problem, but will never own responsiblility.

Think about it: when a marriage has problems - it is always the other partners fault; financial problems - it is the company's fault for not giving enough work; problems with making the mortgage payment - it's the lenders fault because they should have not given me the money; church problems - well, it's always the preachers fault!

I know this is a long blog so let me finish up with this. We can always find someone else to blame for our problems, but that does not produce a dreaming, growing life. We all need to face it that sometimes (yes, even me) we are wrong. Instead of waisting energy blaming others, find a way to work through the obstacle and accomplish your dreams.

This weekend we are spending time with some friends that used to be in our youth group at Forestville. I can't beleive these guys are all grown up now, I am so getting old. We also begin training for people to be part of the core group at The Journey. Yes, I know, SuperBowl Sunday! Mental note here: always check the calendar before you plan an event. Anyway, we'll see what happens.

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