Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day!

It actually snowed!! The girls are so excited, they were up at 5:30 wanting to go outside and play in the snow. I was able to put them off for a couple of hours. I remember it snowed in Eutawville the first year we moved there. It did snow any the rest of the six years we were there. I guess we better enjoy this one!

Continuing on with the thought that success for me is the fact that I am obedient to God. When I think about this I quickly say, "Well, I know that I am obedient. After all, I moved my family to start a church." But I wonder am I obedient to the small things in life. Do I have my quiet time with God, or reach out to a neighbor with kindness, etc. The more I think about it, obedience is not a one time decision, but a daily walk.

Had a meeting last night with some others interested in The Journey. It is amazing to see the interest people have in a church that places relationships as a priority. This interest goes beyond generational boundaries. The more I get into it the more I begin to think that I am getting on board with a movement of God. Bringing up my Experiencing God days. I always wondered how to be involved in what God is doing, maybe I have discovered something for my life.

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