Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Definition of Success

This idea of measuring success has really got me thinking, as well as some others. It seems that every conversation I have lately has come to this point (maybe because that is what is on my mind). There seems to be a dissatisfaction with the current measurement for success and a longing to change the definition of success.

May I go out on a limb and share my idea for changing the definition of success. I think it is admirable to want to change it for a work, home, or business; but I believe that the definition of success must change for me personally before it changes around me. My definition of success must be simple: Am I Obedient to God with my life?

We will run this rabbit trail more tomorrow. Today I met early this morning with someone very interested in being part of The Journey. It is amazing how many people are interested is starting something new to reach their communities for Christ.

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