Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I have been preaching and teaching that life is a journey and we need to learn how to live it with one another for so long that it has become a way of life for me. But still my relationships seem to all be with people inside of the church. Not that this is terrible, but I know that if I am to make a difference in Greenville, I must get outside of the walls of the church.

Well, tonight I saw the beginnings of a new life, and I liked it. I was meeting with a friend at Starbucks about the church plant when two guys came into the room and sat down beside us. At first I thought, "Dudes, can't you see we are talking here. In fact, we are talking about a church plant, and you interrupted us you heathen." (That's what I thought, not said) Then I realized this is what I was praying and waiting for, and opportunity to meet others that I knew nothing about their spiritual walk.

I began a conversation with these two men from Germany. They were here working in an intern program at a large company. We talked about everything with the conversation lasting almost an hour. As they left, they said they hoped to run into me again at Starbucks. To be honest, I was not going back to this Starbucks, but you can bet I am now!

You may be saying, "So, you had a nice conversation, what's the big deal - it's not like you led them to the Lord or anything." True, but I finally stepped outside of my church box and put myself out there. It was amazing and I am praying for God to continue to open doors of conversations with those around me.

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