Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Time to Go

As I reflect on the words of my last post about patience, I ask the question "How long do I have to be patient and wait?" Now I am not a genius, but when I ask myself this question it shows me that I still need to learn about patience. But I think that most people think waiting means that you have no responsibilities and you do absolutely nothing. I think that waiting includes some vital action steps:

1. Prepare you heart and life for the movement of God. This is done through quality time with God, not just the meal time prayers.
2. Actively look for where God is moving
3. Adjust your plans (or mental movie) to God's plan
4. Be prepared to move when God shows you the move

As you are actively waiting for God, you will be prepared to move when God says it is time to go. After 400 years of silence, the Jewish people had grown accustomed to the silence of God. But when Jesus showed up and called the disciples to follow Him, the waiting was over. Yes, there is time to wait, but during the waiting prepare yourself to go.

I am personally in the "go" time with The Journey. I am excited because a group of people interested in The Journey will be meeting Sat. night to learn more about the church. Also, I have begun duties as the Resident Assistant at the Paddock Club (sounds official, but it is volunteer work). I am planing out ways to bring community to the apartment complex. It seems like months I have been waiting, and now it is finally time to go!

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