Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Look

Well if you have visited my blog before, you notice that it looks different. I got tired of viewing the same background everyday and felt the need for change. I guess that says plenty about my personality. I know some people don't like change and given the choice I probably do not either; although this year our family moved to a new city, began living in an apartment (definitely a change), began a new position of church planting, and set out to build new relationships. Remember I said that I do not like change given the choice, this was not a choice but a command of God - that changes everything! I want to continue more about change the next couple of days.

Hey, check out the links on the top right hand of the page. I found a free website page and took advantage of it (it is if you are interested). Anyway I put a site together for my book coming out, Dealing with the Diagnosis. Also there is a link for a way ministry partners can be involved in our vision to reach the Greenville area for Christ. Check them out, but remember that they are still in progress.

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