Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Making of Disciples

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations... (Matt. 28:19)

How many times have I read or quoted this verse and only focused on the word Go? I know this verse deals with evangelism and discipleship (which are not to be separated into different programs, but must go together). I have focused on the aspect that all God wants me to do is Go. But as I look at the verse this morning it is more than Going, my purpose in life is to make disciples along the way. To be honest with you it is easier and less time consuming to just go. Making disciples takes time and causes me to be involved in other people's lives.

As I continue in with this thought I wonder what does the institutional church focus on? To be honest with you, I have spent more time trying to convince the congregation to go and less on teaching them how to make disciples. No wonder many members feel it is the leaderships responsibility to train disciples and not theirs. What would happen if we spent as much time teaching others how to make disciples as we do convincing them to go?

Continuing to move forward with The Journey. God is bringing new people into my life
everyday who express interest in being part of The Journey. I am just trying to remain faithful to the vision God has placed on my heart. Tonight I have a staff meeting at Java Jolt. How cool is it to meet in a coffee shop?

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