Monday, January 21, 2008

A New Experience

Ok, after Thursday's snow I had confidence in the weathermen predicting snow on Saturday. I waited and waited, and then it came. But let me ask you, What good is snow when it does not stick to the ground? I was bummed, but I had bought wood to make a fire in our apartment (yes, we have a fireplace)

The only problem is that I had never built a fire before and did not know where to start. I called a friend in Eutawville and after step by step instructions, presto - I made fire! What a manly feeling that is. Take a look at the picture, I kept this blaze going all day long. Sure I went through a ton of wood, but I MADE FIRE!! I AM MAN!! This was definitely a new experience for me.

Another new experience was sharing the vision of The Journey at Rocky Creek Church Sunday evening. It was great to be able to finally share what God has placed upon my heart. I look forward to seeing the vision come into reality as God brings people together to accomplish His plan.

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