Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jesus and Change

I have always heard that Jesus was a change agent while on earth. Everything He did introduced change to the established traditions of the Jews. I agree with this, but what was the reason for the change. I believe Jesus caused change because He was fulfilling His Father's will. Think about it, Jesus did not follow the law as closely as the traditionalist because He fulfilled the law. Therefore, it was not a big deal for his disciples to pick grain or even for Him to heal on the Sabbath.

So, if I view change as a way to fulfill God's plan for my life - then should it be such a big deal. Will it be a big deal to move, change jobs, etc. if I understand that this is the fulfillment of God's will. If I am growing in Christ, then change is inevitable. Actually change happens even when I am not following God. The way I view the change is up to me. I can either realize it is necessary, or I can fight against it.

So what if the change hurts or cost me something? Let's look at that tomorrow.

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