Friday, January 25, 2008

Last night we had a some new friends over for dinner. Now that may not seem like a big deal to you, but it sure was to our family. You see, when we moved into the apartment our house was full of boxes. Now after about a month we (more my wife) have all the boxes out, things in their proper place, and the apartment clean and ready for guest. My point in all of this is that the change that occurred in our lives was not instant, but took a transition time.

When change comes into my life, I expect it to be quick. I often forget that change is a process. Think about it, when I decide to change my appearance by loosing weight - the change takes time. After all, I did not put on an extra 10 ponds overnight, and they won't go away that fast either. When change comes we need to be patient through it, not whine about when it will end. If God produces change in our lives to bring us closer to Him and His will for our lives, then we need to learn to trust Him during the transition of change. I know, easier said than done, but must be learned.

Personally: we are finally beginning to adjust to our new lives. The girls are doing good with homeschooling (well they have days). Also, it is a new concept to be able to run out and pick up whatever you want at any store you desire after living so far away from anything, but it sure is nice. We are continuing to build relationships with those that God brings into our lives and I am excited to see how all this will work out.

The picture above is of The Paddock Club apartments. While this is not our exact apartment, they all look the same. We live on a ground floor like the one.

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